A Journey Into Experiential Leadership

This book is a starter guide to a journey to successful leadership. Learn about the nuances of modern leadership through my experiences, real-life stories, and anecdotes. This book chronicles my journey as a young boy from a small town with limited resources, who began as a Medical Representative in 1988 ,and ended up as the Head of Training at Infosys BPM in 2010. In my view, this became possible primarily because of the following reasons:

  • Curiosity
  • Risk-taking
  • Focus on Strengths
  • The Attitude of a Team Player
  • An Advocate of Lifelong Learning

I wish to take these learnings to a larger audience to inspire them as they progress towards their leadership goals.

This book is especially for you if you are a management student, an aspiring, entry level or mid level leader.

Available now in Hard Cover & Kindle versions.

Recommended by Senior Leaders from

More about The Elephant at the Dinner Table

The format of the book is simple and easy to understand:

  • What did I learn?​
  • What does Academia say? (Deep Dive)​
  • What do the leaders have to recommend? (Best practices and more)​

The USPs of the book are:

  • It is based on research through my interaction with 300 leaders and management students across the globe for over a period of 5 years
  • There’s a lot of learning derived through 33 personal stories and anecdotes
  • My ‘Learning Wall’ for continuous learning beyond the book

The Learning Wall

I have curated a handy digital “ Learning Wall” accessible 24*7 on any device (link is available in the book). It has a supplementary list of resources like links to articles, books, video links. etc. for the readers to take a deeper dive and explore the topics further. The Learning Wall is updated weekly to bring you the freshest and most relevant content to hone your understanding.

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The book is currently only available as an e-book.

Please write to me at for a digital copy of this book.